The Club HQ was launched in June 2019 with the overall objective of supporting grassroots sport to attract, engage, retain and grow their membership within their community.
We want to assist the efforts of the club officials and the volunteers who put their heart and soul into their local teams and communities.
In today’s digital age, grassroots sports are struggling to attract and retain players. The new generations of sports people are more geographically mobile, they have more demands for their time and their disposable income. The days of playing for the same club or team for 10 years+ are behind us. It’s therefore vital to engage players, supporters, staff and parents as much as possible to make them feel part of your club or team; your website can be central to this.
Initially The Club HQ will be focused on football but this will soon be expanded to offer a true multi-sports team platform.
Currently we offer a platform that can be used for all forms of football from traditional 11-a-side to all the shorter game formats like 5, 6, 7 and 9 a-side, futsal and walking football; male, female, adults and children.