Braywood Beavers FC

About the club

The Club which was founded in Bray, Berkshire in 1997 currently has circa 55 members. It was established to allow veteran age players who could not commit to regular team football a means of enjoying a small number of competitive 11 aside matches across the year and regular 8 aside training. Our club has evolved over the years - we now run a vet's team and a competitive adults team alongside each other.

We are closely linked with Maidenhead and Bray Sports club, playing our 11 aside matches at the Jubilee field in Bray. Our members also enjoy social membership of Maidenhead Sports and Social club and over the last 24 years the Braywood Beavers have raised over £35000 for local charities through social fundraising events, most recently hosting our inaugural First XI vs Veteran's Charity Cup. Braywood Beavers F.C. has used Braywick for its weekly training nights for over 10 years. The training sessions take place over two nights, Tuesdays for our First XI and Wednesdays for a friendly match play format – either as a full pitch 11 aside or one/two short format pitch games depending on numbers attending each week.